Flexible PRO

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3 Sides sealed - Matt Foil

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3 Sides sealed

Matt Foil – 3-side sealed envelope packaging, matte foil material Be confident in preserving product quality from UV light and air, making your products last longer. And with patterns you can design unlimited colors. Make the product stand out like no other.

Price table baht/pcs

Not included VAT

SpecSize500 pcs.1000 pcs.3000 pcs.5000 pcs.
3 Sides sealed - Matt Foil60 x 90 mm32.0019.007.505.20
120 x 180 mm42.0025.0012.009.00
180 x 240 mm43.5027.0015.5013.00

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60 x 90 mm, 120 x 180 mm, 180 x 240 mm


500 pcs., 1000 pcs., 3000 pcs., 5000 pcs.

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Yes (2 Baht/pcs)


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